"They need help as much as you do."

Guiding Light
Paranormal Services

Scan | Clear | Protect

Do you think you have a ghost in your space? Or is something going on that you just don’t understand? You may need a paranormal cleansing. With my unique abilities I can sense, communicate, and free these stuck energies.


Scanning Your Space

We can sense energy changes in many different ways. You may feel like someone is behind you, or swear you heard or felt someone in the other room. Or you may feel a drastic temperature change, smell something strange, hear buzzing in your ear, or get goosebumps for no reason. During the scan with my abilities I can sense those frequency changes. I also work with a pendulum to investigate and communicate with these energies. A lot of these energies are ghosts. They need our energy and they can take it from you and your environment.


Clearing the Energies

In my experience, most ghosts really don’t want to be a ghost. For whatever reason they did not go to the light after they died. It can happen accidentally  and then they get stuck. With some communication and divine support we can help these energies go to the light and be free.




Clearing the Energies

In my experience, most ghosts really don’t want to be a ghost. For whatever reason they did not go to the light after they died. It can happen accidentally  and then they get stuck. With some communication and divine support we can help these energies go to the light and be free.



Adding Protection

Once a space has been cleared, I will use several different modalities to disperse residual energies that the ghost left behind. I also add an energetic barrier of “love and light” for added protection.



Adding Protection

Once a space has been cleared, I will use several different modalities to disperse residual energies that the ghost left behind. I also add an energetic barrier of “love and light” for added protection.


"They need help as much as you do."



My name is Chantel Reynolds. I am a clairsentient. I have had a sensitivity to others feelings and a sense of clear knowing for others my entire life. My journey with ghosts began when I discovered my unique abilities while using a pendulum. I use these abilities in partnership with my guides. In the beginning, I would practice my abilities on myself and at home. During that time I discovered that I have a unique relationship with my guides that gives me the ability to know and endure the process of working with these ghost energies. One of my guides is Archangel Michael, with his angelic energy he will take the ghosts to source light. We all work together as a team. Over the years I’ve had many experiences and have learned so much about this parallel world. Most importantly that ghosts affect the energies in our spaces and that many are stuck and want to go to source. This is why I started Guiding Light Paranormal Services. I know your space will benefit from this straightforward, innovative, and divine paranormal cleansing.

Contact Us

Have a question or want to schedule an appointment, you can reach me at (480) 747-8905 or azghosthelp@gmail.com.

    Paranormal Blog

    What is a Ghost?
    May 13, 2022
    What is a Ghost?
    When a person or animal dies their soul leaves their body. That soul has a decision to make...


    We do paranormal cleansing for home, business or where ever, because a ghost may be in your space affecting the energy.

    Ghostly Fact

    Winston Churchill, Lord Byron, Queen Elizabeth II and Mick Jagger are all reported to have seen ghosts.

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