"They need help as much as you do."

ParanormalMay 13, 2022by Chantel ReynoldsWhat is a Ghost?


After death

When a person or animal dies their soul leaves their body. That soul has a decision to make. Do I go back to source? Many humans would call source, heaven. For most souls they are ready and they go willingly, some not even questioning the process. Others have something that keeps them from going in the beginning, but they go eventually usually after being buried. Certain religious or spiritual practices, especially funerals, were specifically designed to rest the spirits of the dead. Unfortunately, some soul’s don’t want to go to source, and without realizing they become stuck in this parallel world where they become a ghost.

Parallel worlds are real

This parallel world is layered right on top of our world. This layer is invisible to us residing in different frequencies. Like a radio station they can tune in to our frequencies and we can also tune in to theirs. Their frequency changes can affect our world in many different ways. Some examples of evidence that there is a ghost in your space are temperature changes, smelling something that is not there, hearing buzzing in ears, feeling physical body reactions, and seeing shadow figures. These are all classic signs that you have a ghost in your environment. 

Even though these two worlds are right next to each other they do have drastic differences. The main difference is that their world is not connected to source light. This limits what ghosts can do, where they can go, and ultimately leads to them forgetting that they can go to source. Depending on why they didn’t go to source in the first place will define the way they impress their imprint of their life on the living world. It does take energy for ghosts to affect our environment so they can express that imprint. This energy is taken from our living world. 

Where ghosts get their power

Ghosts can take energy from many different things. The most obvious is our electricity and our electronics. The not so obvious would be our belongings that don’t have a battery or electricity. These objects have residual energy from who had handled them. The energy source they want the most is human or animal. This energy is still connected to source light and is ideal for survival. Some ghosts will attach to a person, this is called an attachment. The taking of this energy and the expressed imprint of this ghost in your environment is not good for the overall wellbeing of your space. I can affect you in many different ways.

What is a ghost

An understanding of the supernatural, like ghosts, is culturally universal. This belief in the other side and ghosts dates back to ancestor worship in pre-literate cultures. According to a 2009 study by the Pew Research Center, 18% of Americans say they have seen a ghost. It is time we take this subject more seriously. A ghost is a human or animal that died and its soul did not go back to source. A ghost needs energy from our world to survive in their world. If you have a ghost it can affect your  energy and the energy in your space. Ghosts are not a phenomenon. Ghosts are real.

Think you have a ghost?

If you think you have a ghost, get in touch with a paranormal expert (that’s me!) today to schedule a phone consultation.


We do paranormal cleansing for home, business or where ever, because a ghost may be in your space affecting the energy.

Ghostly Fact

Winston Churchill, Lord Byron, Queen Elizabeth II and Mick Jagger are all reported to have seen ghosts.

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